I have a Jenkins shared-library
under src/org/helpers
I have a groovy file ErrorHolder.groovy
package org.helpers
class ErrorHolder {
private String message = ""
def echo_error(String msg) {
println "[\033[91;1mError\033[0m] ${msg}"
def emit_error(String msg) {
message = msg
def getMessage() {
return message
in the pipeline, the class is initialized and the function emit_error is called
import org.helpers.*
void call () {
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
ErrorHolder errorHolder = new ErrorHolder()
pipeline {
agent any
options { ansiColor('xterm') }
stages {
stage ('Clean Workspace') {
steps {
script {
println "Debug: $errorHolder"
errorHolder.emit_error("Test Error")
I do see the first debug print,println "Debug: $errorHolder"
I don't see on the output of the print statement from the function echo_error
in the console,
and I get an error:
hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.helpers.ErrorHolder.error() is applicable for argument types
I have two questions:
Functions that are available within the Jenkins Pipeline context are not automatically available withing the custom classes that your are building. This includes functions like sh
, error
, echo
and all others functions that are available in the pipeline from different plugins or the Jenkins core library.
To use these functions in your class you will need to pass the relevant Script context that contains those function to your class constructor, then call the function threw the context. For example:
package org.helpers
class ErrorHolder {
* Jenkins Pipeline Script context.
final Script script
private String message = ""
public ErrorHolder (Script script) {
this.script = script // initiate script context in constructor
def echo_error(String msg) {
// Access println function threw the script context
script.println "[\033[91;1mError\033[0m] ${msg}"
def emit_error(String msg) {
message = msg
// Access error function threw the script context
def getMessage() {
return message
You can now call any pipeline available function threw the script variable.
Now when you initialize your class in the pipeline pass the context as follows:
ErrorHolder errorHolder = new ErrorHolder(this)
If you want to make it a bit easier to use, you can use a library script as a connector. For that you can create an adapter file called ErrorHolder.groovy
located in the shared library vars
import org.helpers.*
def call() {
return new ErrorHolder(this)
Then in your pipeline you don't need the import statement and usage is as follows:
def errorHolder = ErrorHolder()