
Actix_web server to fetch its own tls certs

I am working on a Webserver which will provide differnt endpoints using https. The Server itself is running fine, but I want to add the auto-reneval of the tls certs using let's encrypt to the server, which I have no idea how to do this.

I've stumbled over some crates which provide such possibilities out of the box but I was not able to integrate them yet. Some of the Following:

The most promising was rustls_acme but I really dont know how to combine this into the actix server together with actix_web::server::HttpServer::bind_rustls.

Currently I use locally stored key and cert for the rustls config exactly like in the example.

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let (i_cfg, app_data) = init().expect("Server initialization FAILED!");
    let _log = init_logger(&i_cfg).expect("Logger Initialisation Failed!");

    let state = web::Data::new(app_data);
    return HttpServer::new(move || {
            .route("/api/time", web::get().to(time))
            .route("/api/echo", web::get().to(echo))
            .route("/api/ship", web::get().to(ship))
    .bind_rustls(i_cfg.ip_port, i_cfg.rustls_cfg)?

How can I achieve auto-reneval of tls certs using let'sEcnrypt with actix_web and rustls?

Is there a specific crate for actix which I just missed?

Bonus points if:

Thanks and Greets


  • There is an official example that integrates letsencrypt with actix-web ( This does restart the server, however.

    let _auto_shutdown_task = rt::spawn(async move {
        // Shutdown server every 4 weeks so that TLS certs can be regenerated if
        // needed. This is only appropriate in contexts like Kubernetes which
        // can orchestrate restarts.
        rt::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60 * 60 * 24 * 28)).await;

    It should be possible to avoid that by

    1. Integrating the acme-challenge endpoint into the main server
    2. Running the fetch-workflow periodically
    3. Replacing config.with_single_cert(...) with config.with_cert_resolver(...) in load_rustls_config.