
How to use NgRx entity updateOne or updateMany with effects?

I'm new to NgRx entities... And don't know how to take advantage of it in order to update my state. I just like to satisfy my action right in my effect.

This is my effect:

updateItem$ = createEffect(() =>
      concatMap(({ url, item }) => {
        return this._itemsProxy.updateItem(url, item).pipe(
          map((item: { id:number; name: string; }) => {

            // I get an error that says:
            // Type '{ id: number; name: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Update<{ id:number, name: string }>'
            // So how should I satisfy my action?

            return ItemsActions.updateItemSuccess({ item })
          catchError((error) => of(ItemsActions.failure({ error }))),

This is my action group:

export const ItemsActions = createActionGroup({
  source: 'Items/API',
  events: {
    updateItem: props<{ url: string; item: { id: number; name: string; } }>(),
    updateItemSuccess: props<{ item: Update<{ id: number; name: string; }> }>(),
    failure: props<{ error: string }>(),

This is my reducer stuff:

export interface ItemsState extends EntityState<{ id: number; name: string; }> {
  selectedId?: string | number | null;
  loaded: boolean;
  error?: string | null;

export interface ItemsPartialState {
  readonly [ITEMS_FEATURE_KEY]: ItemsState;

export const itemsAdapter: EntityAdapter<{ id: number; name: string; }> = createEntityAdapter<{ id: number; name: string; }>();

export const initialItemsState: ItemsState = itemsAdapter.getInitialState({
  loaded: false,

const reducer = createReducer(

  on(ItemsActions.updateItem, (state) => ({
    loaded: false,
    error: null,
  on(ItemsActions.updateItemSuccess, (state, { item }) => {

    // Yea! Currently item type is { id: number; name: string; }
    // And that doesn't work with updateOne method.

    return itemsAdapter.updateOne(item, {
      loaded: true,
      error: null,

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • updateOne and updateMany want you to specify id and changes.

    Here the docs: Entity Updates.

    So your code will be:

    on(ItemsActions.updateItemSuccess, (state, { item }) => {
        return itemsAdapter.updateOne(
            { id:, changes: item },
            { ...state, loaded: true, error: null }