I'm trying to make a script to do something when a file is modified. This would work if I run the watcher in another terminal and I edit the file in another vim instance.
However, what I want is that the script opens the vim instance and then run the watcher to do things when I save the file.
This is my script, run.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
vim chart.csv
inotifywait --quiet --recursive --monitor --event modify chart.csv | while read; do
notify-send "hi, world"
If you have gnome-terminal, then
#!/usr/bin/env bash
gnome-terminal -e "vim chart.csv"
# Or xterm -e vim chart.csv &
inotifywait --quiet --recursive --monitor --event modify chart.csv | while read; do
notify-send "hi, world"
If you want kill the process when vim
quits, try this :
#!/usr/bin/env bash
urxvt -e bash -c "vim chart.csv; kill $$"
inotifywait --quiet --recursive --monitor --event modify chart.csv | while read; do
notify-send "hi, world"