
Does not compare email correctly in exposed

There is a saveUserInfo method that checks if there is a user with such an email, but I log in with the same account and it creates an entry in the database for me every time, although it should not.

override suspend fun saveUserInfo(user: UserResponse): Boolean = withContext(dispatcher) {
        try {
            val existingUser = transaction {
                UserEntity.find { UserTable.emailAddress eq user.emailAddress }.singleOrNull()

            if (existingUser == null) {
                logger.debug("User does not exist, creating a new one")
                transaction {
                        name =
                        emailAddress = user.emailAddress
                        profilePhoto = user.profilePhoto
                logger.debug("User successfully created")
            } else {
                logger.debug("User already exists")
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            logger.error("Error in saveUserInfo: ${e.message}", e)

Also here is logsenter image description here

And also here is the database entries enter image description here


  • singleOrNull() will return an element if there is exactly one, and null otherwise. As long as you already have more than one user with the same address in your database, this code will always create more new users.

    This code doesn't show how the second user got created. My guess would be a bug in a previous version.