Please help me understand why I am getting a #VALUE! error in Excel using the following UDF in VBA?
I looked up this VBA code which is supposed to calculate factorial for numbers of any size including those larger than 170 which is my specific interest:
Function FactorialUsingForLoop(val As Long) As Long
Dim uni_input As Long, xy_Factorial As Long
Let xy_Factorial = 1
For uni_input = 1 To val
xy_Factorial = xy_Factorial * uni_input
FactorialUsingForLoop = xy_Factorial
End Function
Note a copy of my worksheet. The triangle says: a value in the formula is of a wrong data type. I have eliminated extra spaces, the format is Numbers!
Using the "Multiply" function from you can perform the factorial on the string representation of the numbers:
Function FactString(n As Long) As String
Dim i As Long, s
s = "1"
For i = 2 To n
s = Multiply(s, CStr(i)) 'see link above
Next i
FactString = s 'return as text
End Function
FYI FactString(459)
is 1025 digits. Not sure what you could usefully do with the output though?
EDIT - just noticed that link of methods does include a factorial method:
Function Factorial(ByVal sA As String) As String