
Availability Test Summary widget showing results for each individual test inside 1 single Application Insights

I have 1 single Application Insights which I strictly use to monitor the health of some external sites I'm dependent on, by using the Availability blade and setting up Standard Test (URL ping test) like seen below where I have 3 Standard tests:

enter image description here

I want to have 3 different "Application Tests Summary" Dashboard widgets each showing the availability and the total successful test and total failed tests numbers for a single Standard Test. Below screenshots shows what I have if I just add the widget and point it to my App Insights, then it will take the results from ALL 3 Standard Tests and you cannot see which of my 3 HealtCheck-Site-0x failed on this widget. You have to click on the widget to take you into the App Insights then you can see the results as in the first screenshot.

enter image description here

So is it possible to somehow create a similar widget that shows results of availability, total successful and total failed tests for 1 single Standard Test? Then I would be able to create 3 of the widgets on my Dashboard, each showing its own results from a Standard Health Check test.


  • Most App Insights pins respect filters. What you can do is to apply "test name" filter before pinning: enter image description here

    Here is how it looks on the dashboard: enter image description here

    You can add any filters or update the time range and it should also work.