
What is an XDM file in the context of AUTOSAR?

I'm working on an AUTOSAR project and I've come across references to both XDM files and ARXML files, but I'm a bit confused about their purposes and differences and searching on Google did not help.
Can someone provide a clear explanation of:

I'm looking to understand the role of these file formats in AUTOSAR development and make informed decisions for my project. Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


  • Elektrobit uses XDM files to store the EcuC configurations of BSW modules in Tresos Studio.

    They might also be XML files, but they are not ARXML files. You can convert/export them to ARXML files though. They are based on a different kind of XML schema.

    Stay with the ARXML files in the first place, and only care about XDM at the point you really need to fiddle around with their configuration files.

    All AUTOSAR tools will understand ARXML.