I would like to be able to replace the default code that Astro uses to render some Markdown elements.
For example, it would be nice that when I type :
Some Text

Some other text
I could get
<p>Some Text</p>
<div data-lightbox="true">
<div class="divider my-2" />
<p>Some other text</p>
So that it replaces the default code for the image and the divider.
Right now I just copy-paste the HTML / JSX code when I need it, but it would be nice to be able to have it automatically done.
It's actually pretty simple with mdx as mentioned in the docs Custom components with imported MDX and custom components to html .
define your custom component, say maybe H1
const props = Astro.props;
<h1 {...props} class="bg-red-100"><slot /></h1>
use the above defined custom h1 component in your markdown files as below
import H1Component from '../components/H1Component.astro';
export const components = {h1: H1Component}
# Red Coloured Custom H1 Component
wherever you render the content pass your custom components as below
<Content components={{...components, h1: H1Component }} />