I'm having trouble making my method null-safe using streams and flatMap..
My input is a List<RequestSlot>
And the objects are nested as such:
This is working to flatten the lists and create one List, but I'm unsure how to add Optionals here to make this null safe for each map/stream step.
final List<InnerItem> innerItem = request.stream()
.flatMap(outerItem -> outerItem.getInnerItem().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
I have tried using Stream.ofNullable but that ends up creating a stream that I'm unsure how to then collect. Any pointers?
You don't actually need to use Optional
. Just filter(Objects:nonNull)
everywhere after mapping to something that might be null. This filters out all the null things
// assuming request itself is not null
final List<InnerItem> innerItem = request.stream()
.filter(Objects:nonNull) // list elements might be null
.filter(Objects:nonNull) // outer item might be null
.filter(Objects:nonNull) // inner items list might be null
.flatMap(Collection::stream) // innerItemList -> innerItemList.stream()
.filter(Objects:nonNull) // inner item list might contain nulls
If you really want to use Stream.ofNullable
, use the pattern flatMap(x -> Stream.ofNullable(x.getX()))
(where getX
might return null).
final List<InnerItem> innerItem = request.stream()
.filter(Objects:nonNull) // list elements might be null
.flatMap(requestSlot -> Stream.ofNullable(requestSlot.getOuterItem())) // outer item might be null
.flatMap(outerItem -> Stream.ofNullable(outerItem.getInnerItem())) // inner item list might be null
.flatMap(Collection::stream) // innerItemList -> innerItemList.stream()
.filter(Objects:nonNull) // inner item list might contain nulls