
Hasura graphql optional generated variable

how can I attach a variable to a mutation conditionally?
I want to create an upsert mutation where the id is generated by the database.
So, if the $id variable was set, make an update, otherwise, a creation.
I have tried something like this:

  mutation upsert (
    $id: uuid
    $name: String
  ) {
      object: {
        id: $id
        name: $name
     on_conflict: {
      constraint: data_pkey
      update_columns: [name ]
    ) {

But the error I receive is a malformed id

  "errors": [
      "extensions": {
        "path": "$",
        "code": "validation-failed"
      "message": "unexpected null value for type \"uuid\""


  • As an alternative to using named variables for each field, you can accept the whole record as a variable. This way, if a field is not required in this mutation (for example if it is nullable) you can safely leave it out.

    It might look something like this:

    mutation MyMutation($object: data_insert_input!) {
      insert_data_one(object: $object) {

    Then your variables might look something like this:

      "object": {
        "id": "<some id>",
        "name": "<some name>"