I am trying now for a while to connect to a proxy with puppeteer. I am using the latest version and I couldn't get it to connect after endless tries. I searched, I documented, I read but I don't even know what to do anymore.
This is what I tried yet:
browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false,
defaultViewport: null,
args: ['--start-fullscreen', 'proxyServer=ip:port'],
or instead of proxyServer I tried with "--proxy-server" but still does not work. Or I also tried doing it like this:
await browser!.createIncognitoBrowserContext({
proxyServer: 'http://ip:port',
Still nothing. Puppeteer version is 21.1.1 Also I am using proxies which do not need username and password so that is not the problem.
You would add the args like this:
args: [
and to authenticate you would do:
await page.authenticate({ username, password })