I have a collection of lists that contain data from a streamed sensor. I wrote a for loop to form it to the format that I would later use to send it to another place (web server). However, sometimes the size of the lists differs by 1 or 2, and when it does the code will throw an out of bounds exception.
This is the code I use to assemble the format,
for (int i = 0; i < acceleroElaps.size(); i++) {
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("person", "Adi");
data.put("tool", "Accelerometer");
data.put("time", acceleroTime.get(i));
data.put("elapsed", acceleroElaps.get(i));
data.put("xaxis", acceleroXval.get(i));
data.put("yaxis", acceleroYval.get(i));
data.put("zaxis", acceleroZval.get(i));
Sometimes one of the lists doesn't have the same size. I've tried to iterate it over with iterator like this
ListIterator<String> iterAT = acceleroTime.listIterator();
ListIterator<String> iterAE = acceleroElaps.listIterator();
ListIterator<String> iterAX = acceleroXval.listIterator();
ListIterator<String> iterAY = acceleroYval.listIterator();
ListIterator<String> iterAZ = acceleroZval.listIterator();
while (iterAT.hasNext() && iterAE.hasNext() && iterAX.hasNext() && iterAY.hasNext() && iterAZ.hasNext()){
String at = iterAT.next();
String ae = iterAE.next();
String ax = iterAX.next();
String ay = iterAY.next();
String az = iterAZ.next();
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("person", "Adi");
data.put("tool", "Accelerometer");
data.put("time", at);
data.put("elapsed", ae);
data.put("xaxis", ax);
data.put("yaxis", ay);
data.put("zaxis", az);
However, this would throw ConcurrentModificationException
, so I tried to equalize the size of the lists, because it just differs 1 or 2 data points. Or maybe there's another solution? I'm running out of ideas.
I've found a solution, and what I did is create a function to find the smallest list.
private int theSmallestVal(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e){
int[] val = {a, b, c, d, e};
return val[0];
Then I call the function like this:
al = theSmallestVal(acceleroTime.size(),acceleroElaps.size(), acceleroXval.size(),
acceleroYval.size(), acceleroZval.size());
After I found the smallest the value, I use that value to be the reference value to be iterated by for i
for (int i = 0; i < al; i++) {
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("person", "Adi");
data.put("tool", "Accelerometer");
By doing so, I could avoid out of bound exception.