I would like to remove the Tabcontrol
border. Let me explain better: i would like to give the optical illusion that the topbar
and the left tabcontrol
were a single element. If you test my executable code, you will understand.
But, as you can see, between the Tabcontrol
and the Topbar
there is a gray line, which is the edge of the tabcontrol. So I would like to remove the border
of the Tabcontrol
to avoid seeing that gray line between the tabcontrol
and the topbar
Same thing with the tab border of the tabcontrol: when I select a tab, its borders are grey/white. I would like to change remove them but changing colors.
I try borderwidth=0
, but don't work.
I would like to get something like this:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
window = tk.Tk()
style = ttk.Style(window)
window.attributes('-zoomed', True)
topbar = tk.Frame(window, bg='#d20808', height=70, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="#a39c8f")
#Style Tabcontrol
style.configure('lefttab.TNotebook', tabposition=tk.W + tk.N, tabplacement=tk.N + tk.EW, background='#d20808',
borderwidth=0, highlightbackground='#d20808', highlightthickness =5)
style.configure('lefttab.TNotebook.Tab', background='#d20808', width=21, focuscolor='#e10a0a', foreground='white',
borderwidth=0, highlightbackground='#d20808', highlightthickness = 5)
style.map('lefttab.TNotebook.Tab', background=[('selected', '#960000')])
tabControl = ttk.Notebook(window, style='lefttab.TNotebook', width=700, height=320)
a = ttk.Notebook(tabControl)
b = ttk.Notebook(tabControl)
c = ttk.Notebook(tabControl)
tabControl.add(a, text ='A')
tabControl.add(b, text ='B')
tabControl.add(c, text ='C')
tabControl.place(x=1, y=70)
I experimented with various settings, such as borderwidth = 0
and highlightthickness = 0
, in an attempt to eliminate the border lines, but none of them proved successful.
Ultimately, I found a solution by switching the theme from clam
to classic
and adjusting the highlightthickness
of the topbar
from 1
to 0
. This successfully removed the border lines.
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
window = tk.Tk()
style = ttk.Style(window)
window.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
topbar = tk.Frame(window, bg='#d20808', height=70, highlightthickness=0, highlightbackground="#a39c8f")
#Style Tabcontrol
style.configure('lefttab.TNotebook', tabposition=tk.W + tk.N, tabplacement=tk.N + tk.EW, background='#d20808',
borderwidth=0, highlightbackground='#d20808', highlightthickness =0)
style.configure('lefttab.TNotebook.Tab', background='#d20808', width=15, focuscolor='#e10a0a', foreground='white',
borderwidth=0, highlightbackground='#d20808', highlightthickness = 0)
style.map('lefttab.TNotebook.Tab', background=[('selected', '#960000')])
tabControl = ttk.Notebook(window, style='lefttab.TNotebook', width=700, height=320)
a = ttk.Notebook(tabControl)
b = ttk.Notebook(tabControl)
c = ttk.Notebook(tabControl)
tabControl.add(a, text ='A')
tabControl.add(b, text ='B')
tabControl.add(c, text ='C')
tabControl.place(x=0, y=70)