Let's say there are two input files as below:
(only composed of hstep3_*
hstep3_num00 = a5;
hstep3_num01 = 3b;
hstep3_num02 = 4f;
hstep3_num03 = 27;
( the letters inside brackets are some random characters split by ,
some random strings that are not 'hstep' form
match hstep1_num00 = {eau,t,nb,v,d}; // MATCH
match hstep1_num01 = {c,bul,kv,e}; // MATCH
match hstep3_num00 = {u_ku,b,ntv,q}; // MATCH
match hstep3_num01 = {qq,rask,cb_p}; // MATCH
match hstep3_num02 = {c,a,ha,w,ykl}; // MATCH
match hstep3_num03 = {p,gu,enb_q_b,z,d}; // MATCH
some random strings that are not 'hstep' form
and What I want to do is to sort out all the left hand side of equation from input1.txt
, and match the corresponding bracket and value from input2.txt
So, the final output.txt looks as follows:
{u_ku,b,ntv,q} = a5;
{qq,rask,cb_p} = 3b;
{c,a,ha,w,ykl} = 4f;
{p,gu,enb_q_b,z,d} = 27;
In order to do so by python, I've thought about readlines.split()
Also, since the number of Characters inside bracket are not always same by lines, I thought I have to use regular expressions to limit the range inside {}
but It doesn't work as I expected...
Anybody give me any solutions or guidelines for this?
Any help would be much appreciated.. thanks!
The code below is not optimized, but it's so OP understands the processes involved a bit better
# read input1 and turn into dict
input1 = {}
with open("input1.txt") as infile:
for line in infile.readlines():
key, value = line.split(" = ")
input1[key] = value
# read input 2 and store the maxlen value
input2 = []
maxlen = 0
with open("input2.txt") as infile:
for line in infile.readlines():
# only process lines that start with "match hstep3"
if line.startswith("match hstep3"):
key = line.split(" ")[1]
value = line.split("= ")[1].split(";")[0]
input2.append([key, value])
# get the maxlength and store it for future use
maxlen = max(maxlen, len(value))
# finally, produce the required output and write to file
with open("output.txt", "w") as outfile:
for line in input2:
key, value = line
# use an f-string to produce the required output
newline = f"{value:<{maxlen}} = {input1[key]}"
file contents:
{u_ku,b,ntv,q} = a5;
{qq,rask,cb_p} = 3b;
{c,a,ha,w,ykl} = 4f;
{p,gu,enb_q_b,z,d} = 27;