I was unable to run the following SQL commands. First I thought that it might be because "max" is not defined but on the internet there SQL scripts with "max". I cannot understand what is wrong with the script. May be version of the SQL Server is wrong. I get an error:
SQL Error (137): Must declare the scalar variable "@sql"
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX) = ''
SELECT @sql += 'ALTER TABLE ' + Quotename(tbl.name) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + Quotename(cons.name) + ';'
JOIN SYS.COLUMNS col ON col.default_object_id = cons.object_id
JOIN SYS.TABLES tbl ON tbl.object_id = col.object_id
WHERE col.[name] IN ('id_card_number');
--PRINT @sql
EXEC Sp_executesql @sql
You are using HeidiSQL, which has a choice between Send queries one by one or Send batch in one go.
The latter must be used to achieve compatibility with what is considered normal SSMS / SQL Server behaviour.
See answer in https://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=38756#p38764