
Next's page.tsx export force-dynamic does not render dynamically

I have a page that I want to render dynamically and not statically. Unfortunately the universal answer of simply doing:

export const dynamic = "force-dynamic";

does not work. I've also tried

export const revalidate = 0;

and I've tried many combinations of those.

I know that it's being rendered statically because the client is not making any request to the server for 5 minutes after the page is visited, as is normal for statically rendered pages.

Another weird aspect is that I am using the cookie to do a fetch. No cache argument is specified for the fetch.

The page's path is /reports/income-statement, so it is not using slugs. Does that mean I can't force it to be dynamic? I'm also not using any searchParams (though it does accept searchParams).

Version: Tried with both Next 13.4.5 and 13.4.3


  • I believe I've found the answer to my problem: The Next 13 docs are wrong, or at least VERY misleading.

    When it comes to the Router Cache, you cannot configure a Page to be dynamic or not. Declarations like export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic' or export const dynamic = 'auto' are not respected for Pages. Likewise, the cache options for your fetch requests do not matter.


    The only ways to affect the Router Cache are to use Server Actions OR to use router.refresh().