foldLeft (\_ x -> putStrLn x) (pure ()) ("2":."1":.Nil)
Why the above code outputs
rather than
I am doing exercise of fp-course
I have figured 2 solutions for this.
printFiles ps = void . sequence $ (uncurry printFile) <$> ps
printFiles = foldLeft (\_ (fp, content) -> printFile fp content) (pure ())
The first is right and can print as question's ask.
>> :main "share/files.txt"
============ share/a.txt
the contents of a
============ share/b.txt
the contents of b
============ share/c.txt
the contents of c
The second print as follow.
>> :main "share/files.txt"
the contents of c
It looks like pure ()
only collect the last printFile fp content
of foldLeft
How to make pure ()
aka IO ()
collects all putStrLn
in foldLeft
Because Haskell is referentially transparent, you can always answer such questions for yourself by evaluating the expression manually, i.e. inlining function calls and beta-reducing until it's obvious what's going on:
foldLeft (\_ x -> putStrLn x) (pure ()) ("2":."1":.Nil)
= {- (recursive) definition of `foldLeft` for Cons case -}
foldLeft (\_ x -> putStrLn x)
((\_ x -> putStrLn x) (pure ()) "2")
= {- beta reduction -}
foldLeft (\_ x -> putStrLn x)
(putStrLn "2")
= {- definition of `foldLeft` for Cons case -}
foldLeft (\_ x -> putStrLn x)
((\_ x -> putStrLn x) (putStrLn "2") "1")
= {- beta reduction -}
foldLeft (\_ x -> putStrLn x)
(putStrLn "1") -- woops, the "2" has vanished in the `_` argument
= {- definition of `foldLeft` for Nil case -}
putStrLn "1"
So that's all you get: one print of "1"
. OTOH, with Willem Van Onsem's suggestion it will be
foldLeft (\prev x -> prev >> putStrLn x) (pure ()) ("2":."1":.Nil)
= {- definition of `foldLeft` for Cons case -}
foldLeft (\prev x -> prev >> putStrLn x)
((\prev x -> prev >> putStrLn x) (pure ()) "2")
= {- beta reduction -}
foldLeft (\prev x -> prev >> putStrLn x)
(pure () >> putStrLn "2")
= {- definition of `foldLeft` for Cons case -}
foldLeft (\prev x -> prev >> putStrLn x)
((\prev x -> prev >> putStrLn x) (pure () >> putStrLn "2") "1")
= {- beta reduction -}
foldLeft (\prev x -> prev >> putStrLn x)
((pure () >> putStrLn "2") >> putStrLn "1")
= {- definition of `foldLeft` for Nil case -}
pure () >> putStrLn "2" >> putStrLn "1"