
Cannot find freeglut.dll, as suggested in tutorials

I am trying to get into c++/freeglut programming, yet I feel like an absolute monkey. The tutorials refer to a Freeglut.dll file that is in the bin folder. But as I unpacked the newest version of the freeglut binary, I was unable to find the bin folder or the .dll-file.

I was tying to install freeglut in my code::blocks.

I don't know exactly what to do. (Don't make fun of me if my problem is stupid, I am borderline new to programing)

sorry for my bad english, it is not my first language.

I tried to follow many tutorials, but all of them refer to a file I was unable to find.


  • You probably downloaded the source code. You would still have to compile this source code to get the desired dll file. It could be that your system already has a precompiled package of freeglut

    On some systems such as Debian and Ubuntu, it is as simple as running:

    apt install freeglut3-dev

    There are also binaries for Windows MSVC and MinGW, which do indeed contain a DLL file in the bin folder.

    Otherwise you can build from source:

    Also if you can't find a suitable package for your system, don't panic; building freeglut from source is very easy, just follow the instructions in README.cmake in the freeglut source.