I am a newbie in Java and would like to gather some ideas, because I stucked.
I have some parent class, let's say
public class Person implements Hometown {
private String name;
private Country motherland;
An interface:
public interface Hometown {
Country getMotherland();
And some child classes:
public class Norwegian extends Person {
//motherland should be "Norway"
public class Portuguese extends Person {
//motherland should be "Portugal"
Via RestClient I can receive Person class:
public interface PopulationInfoClient {
Person search(@PathParam("personId") String personId);
After I received the person information I want to set them a hometown in my service. And then return a child class of generic type (can be Norwegian, Portuguese, etc).
PopulationInfoClient populationInfoClient;
public T getCitizen(String personId) {
Person person = this.populationInfoClient.search(personId);
return ...
The question is how can I create child classes like Norwegien with motherland set to "Norway" using generics? And return them within my service function getCitizen()?
I would be thankful for the answers and ideas
I tried to use Factory pattern, but failed
Well, I think you can use a custom generic factory method.
public interface PersonFactory<T extends Person> {
T create(Person person, Country motherland);
public class NorwegianFactory implements PersonFactory<Norwegian> {
public Norwegian create(Person person, Country motherland) {
Norwegian norwegian = new Norwegian();
return norwegian;
Your updated code:
PopulationInfoClient populationInfoClient;
private Map<String, PersonFactory> personFactories;
public T getCitizen(String personId, Country motherland) {
Person person = this.populationInfoClient.search(personId);
PersonFactory <T> personFactory = personFactories.get(motherland.getName());
if (personFactory == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown motherland is " + motherland.getName());
return personFactory.create(person, motherland);