Based on this KB article from Microsoft Azure:
We can attach multiple Data disks to Azure VM.
However, how can we show it in the PowerShell query dynamically ?
Get-AzVM | ForEach-Object {
$size = $_.HardwareProfile.VmSize
$vmsize = Get-AzVMSize -vmname $_.Name -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName | Where-Object { $ -eq $size }
$nic = $'/') | Select-Object -Last 1
# Implicitly outputs an object with the given properties
Location = $_.Location
Name = $_.Name
osdiskingb = $_.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskSizeGB
data1diskingb = ($_.StorageProfile.DataDisks[0].DiskSizeGB)
data2diskingb = ($_.StorageProfile.DataDisks[1].DiskSizeGB)
data3diskingb = ($_.StorageProfile.DataDisks[2].DiskSizeGB)
memory = [Math]::Round(($vmsize.MemoryInMB)/1024, 1)
cpu = $vmsize.NumberOfCores
nic = $nic
ip = (Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name $nic).ipconfigurations.privateipaddress
VMTags = $_.Tags
VMStatus = $_.StatusCode
State = $_.ProvisioningState
} | ogv
Using the above static PowerShell query created by Zett42 from: Optimize PowerShell code to avoid calling the cmdlet multiple times inside calculated properties? I can only manually copy paste/repeats this line below:
data1diskingb = ($_.StorageProfile.DataDisks[0].DiskSizeGB)
data2diskingb = ($_.StorageProfile.DataDisks[1].DiskSizeGB)
data3diskingb = ($_.StorageProfile.DataDisks[2].DiskSizeGB)
If the Azure VM has more than 5-10 data disks, I must copy and paste it accordingly multiple times.
So I need to update the script so it can show all Data Disk dynamically.
$vm = Get-AzVM -Name <VM-Name> -ResourceGroupName <RG-Name>
$os_disk_size = $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskSizeGB
$total_disk_size = 0
$data_disk_size = 0
$data_disks = (Get-AzVM -Name $vm_name).StorageProfile.DataDisks
foreach ($data_disk in $data_disks) {
$data_disk_size = $data_disk_size + $data_disk.DiskSizeGB
$total_disk_size = $os_disk_size + $data_disk_size
Write-Host "OS Disk size in GB: $os_disk_size"
Write-Host "Total Data disk($data_disks.count) size in GB: $data_disk_size"
Write-Host "Total disk size allocated to $ $total_disk_size"
You should be able to get a lot of details from this.