
Python telnetlib getting strange escape characters

I'm using telnetlib to connect to device and send some commands over
Everything seems to work fine, but when I try to read response after sending command, command text gets back in wierd format with lot of escape characters

To demonstrate
I connect to device

self.terminal = telnetlib.Telnet(device, port)

I send command (and it gets executed as expected)


And then read response

telnetResponse = self.terminal.read_until(b'(Config)#', self.telnetTimeout)

Response I get is my command in some wierd encoding with lot of escape characters and then the rest of response that is normal


Everything I get back from read_until is perfectly normal with no escape characters and strange encoding except commands I sent, even when I send command that returns some kind of response, everything is readable but my command
Tried encoding and decoding result in any way I could think of, but encoding it just produces different kind of junk


I'm using Python 3.11.5 on Ubuntu in WSL

Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS Release: 22.04 Codename: jammy

Even tried with older versions of pyhton (3.9) but nothing changed


  • In absence of better idea I ended up doing my initial idea, regexing all escape characters from response

    ansi_regex = b'\x1b(' \
                 b'(\[\??\d+[hl])|' \
                 b'([=<>a-kzNM78])|' \
                 b'([\(\)][a-b0-2])|' \
                 b'(\[\d{0,2}[ma-dgkjqi])|' \
                 b'(\[\d+;\d+[hfy]?)|' \
                 b'(\[;?[hf])|' \
                 b'(#[3-68])|' \
                 b'([01356]n)|' \
                 b'(O[mlnp-z]?)|' \
                 b'(/Z)|' \
                 b'(\d+)|' \
                 b'(\[\?\d;\d0c)|' \
    ansi_escape = re.compile(ansi_regex, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    communication = ansi_escape.sub(b'', communication)

    It produces output as expected, at least in examples I have for now