I am using Deno and I am getting this error in the browser: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '$$')
This is bunder.ts:
import * as esbuild from 'https://deno.land/x/esbuild@v0.11.12/mod.js'
import sveltePlugin from 'npm:esbuild-svelte';
import { typescript } from "./build/esbuild-svelte.ts"; // I rebuilt svelte-process-esbuild in ts because it wasn't originally written in ts
// if you want this code to duplicate, I can get it to you np
const result = await esbuild.build({
entryPoints: [
bundle: true,
outdir: 'dist',
mainFields: ["svelte", "browser", "module", "main"],
conditions: ["svelte", "browser"],
watch: {
onRebuild(error: Error, result: any) {
if (error) console.error('watch build failed:', error);
else console.log('watch build succeeded:', result);
// Deno did not recognise sveltePlugin as a function, but running the code works
plugins: [(sveltePlugin as unknown as Function)({
preprocess: [
logLevel: "info"
<script lang="ts">
export let name: String;
<main>Hello, {name}</main>
import App from '../views/App.svelte';
const app = new App({
target: document.body,
props: {
name: 'World'
States it has to do with my svelte
version but I am running npm:esbuild-svelte
, which versions don't line up with the svelte
versions so I'm not sure how to fix this. What am I doing wrong?
Well after a few days of working on something else, it dawned on me that the tag was in the header and at that point, the document.body
wouldn't exist. I added an enclosing 'DOMContentLoaded'
listener and now it works.