Is there an alternative syntax for
Account = {}
function Account:new (o)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
where new
could be put directly into the table constructor for Account
, and where the function gains an implicit self
Or must one use a self
parameter (or equivalent), and do it the following way?
Account = {
new = function (self, o)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
No syntactic sugar is available for function definitions within table constructors. This includes function name (args) body end
for name = function (args) body end
, and by extension the colon syntax.
You must use an explicit first function parameter (it does not need to be named self
, but that is good practice).
As you have noted, this will work, as colon syntax for function calls is a separate form of syntactic sugar.
A call v:name(args) is syntactic sugar for,args), except that v is evaluated only once.
Lua 5.4: