I would to use a "Device" column to fill in a same order two different figures (Fig1 and Fig2 bellow). However, when I dispatch my data in two groups for Fig2, the factor order of the Device column is not maintained and I don't understand why.
System Device C mFP uFP
CC A 6.70 9.11 455.70
CC B 0.02 308.73 1.03
CC C 6.65 2142.00 452.53
System Device Type Value
CC A mFP 9.11
CC A uFP 455.70
CC B mFP 308.73
CC B uFP 1.03
CC C mFP 2142.00
CC C uFP 452.53
For each data file, Device is a factor with levels. cbPalette contains a vector of hex colors.
Fig1 <- ggplot(data1, aes(x=System, y=C,fill=Device)) +geom_bar(width=0.5, stat='identity', colour= 'black') +scale_fill_manual(values = cbPalette)
Fig2 <- ggplot(data2, aes(x=System, y=Value, fill=Device)) +geom_bar_pattern(aes(group=Type, pattern=Type),stat="identity",width=0.5,pattern_fill = "black",colour= 'black',pattern_density = 0.1,pattern_spacing = 0.025,pattern_key_scale_factor = 0.6)+scale_pattern_manual("type", limits=c("uFP", "mFP"),scale_fill_manual(values = cbPalette)
Order of devices is reversed compared to figure 1
When I don’t use group
for Fig2, devices are displayed in the same order than Fig1.
I want devices displayed in the same order than Fig1, within each group (uFP and mFP).
I try to use factors with levels and arrange the data before plotting figure 2 but when using the group argument, the order in not maintained. I expect my figure to display the fill data in the same order for Fig2 than Fig1.
It works properly when "group" is deleted.