
Can we automate Apple App Store Connect app update with "Whats New" localization?

I have my app in multiple languages and the UI requires translated versions of "Whats New" which is a lot of clicking. Can we include perhaps a release notes in the IPA to get the whats new section prefilled? I was looking at Fastlane that seems to handle this: https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/17318

Apple App Store Connect Whats New Localization


  • Have you checked this one

        beta_app_review_info: {
          contact_email: "email@email.com",
          contact_first_name: "Connect",
          contact_last_name: "API",
          contact_phone: "5558675309",
          demo_account_name: "demo@email.com",
          demo_account_password: "connectapi",
          notes: "this is review note for the reviewer <3 thank you for reviewing"
        localized_app_info: {
          "default": {
            feedback_email: "default@email.com",
            marketing_url: "https://example.com/marketing-defafult",
            privacy_policy_url: "https://example.com/privacy-defafult",
            description: "Default description",
          "en-GB": {
            feedback_email: "en-gb@email.com",
            marketing_url: "https://example.com/marketing-en-gb",
            privacy_policy_url: "https://example.com/privacy-en-gb",
            description: "en-gb description",
        localized_build_info: {
          "default": {
            whats_new: "Default changelog",
          "en-GB": {
            whats_new: "en-gb changelog",

    For reference: https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/testflight/#:~:text=a%20log%22%0A)-,upload_to_testflight,-(%0A%20%20beta_app_review_info%3A