How to convert a Multi-Page Text file to PNG, for example:- I have a Text document of 5 pages and I want to convert that into PNG. By default, it's giving a PNG of only 1st page. How to get the PNG file for ith page using LibreOffice.
I used the PageRange filter like this, but it does not work, it's also giving the PNG only for 1st page.
Also, I'm not able to generate multiple PNGs for multi-page word files using the LibreOffice Application
soffice --convert-to 'png:writer_png_Export:{"PageRange":{"type":"string","value":"2-"}}' test.odt
conversionProperties[0] = new;
conversionProperties[0].Name = "FilterName";
conversionProperties[0].Value ="writer_png_Export";
conversionProperties[1] = new;
conversionProperties[1].Name = "PageRange";
conversionProperties[1].Value ="2-";
I found a similar link on StackOverflow, but it also gives PNG for 1st page.
someone from LibreOffice has confirmed that this feature is not supported currently.