I want to view SQL generated by Linq in EF Core, but when the database is in-memory, there are no string SQL data.
I use Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
(7.0.4), Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
(7.0.10), Visual Studio 2022.
// example of how I configure DbContext
DbContextOptions<CollectorContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<CollectorContext>()
// example of how I query data
var builtInParameterGrQuary = db.RevitBuiltInParameterGroups
.Where(x => !modelData.RevitBuiltInParameterGroups
.Select(d => d.Name)
var str = builtInParameterGrQuary.ToQueryString();
The variable str
shows me:
There is no query string because the in-memory provider does not use a string-based query language
The same message was in the DebugView of the EntityQueryable
How to view SQL generated data when database is in-memory?
In memory database don't generate any SQL scripts. It is based on general data collection like List. You can only generate SQL if you are working against real DB like SQL server, SQL Lite ..etc . You can also log generated SQL to console.
public class CollectorContext : DbContext
public CollectorContext()
public PublisherDBContext(DbContextOptions<CollectorContext> options)
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<CollectorContext>()
.UseNpgsql("connection string")
, new[] { DbLoggerCategory.Database.Command.Name }
, LogLevel.Information)
db = new CollectorContext(optionsBuilder.Options);