
.NET publish CLI command not updating "publish" folder

I have a web API in .NET and i have always published this application in Visual Studio Publish Tool (My Visual Studio is in Portuguese). enter image description here

This is my publish profile:

    <LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>
    <SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />

My problem is that im trying to publish the project by CLI now, and i have tried these two commands:

dotnet publish --configuration Release --runtime linux-arm64 --self-contained true dotnet publish -p:PublishProfile=FolderProfile

Apparently both work, but when i deploy using the Visual Studio Publish tool, my folder "publish" updates, but when i run any of these two commands, the "publish" folder dont update. I need a command with the same configuration of my publish profile that update my "publish" folder properly.


  • The command you are looking for is:

    dotnet publish --configuration Release --runtime linux-arm64 --self-contained true --output C:\YOUR\PUBLISH\FOLDER