
Problem devextreme Angular not working open dxmenu on click button into datagrid

I am currently using DevExtreme version 23 with Angular 16, and I would like to know how I can make a button inside the datagrid open a DXMenu upon clicking.

I have already tried implementing this feature, but I am facing some difficulties in achieving the desired functionality. Ideally, upon clicking the button, the DXMenu should appear with a list of options relevant to the selected row/item within the datagrid.

Could someone please provide guidance or a code snippet on how to accomplish this?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

    <dxi-column type="buttons" width="183px">
          hint="Setup Page"


  • For my understanding dxContextMenu is for right click use. I suggest you to use a dxDropDownButton inside a column cellTemplate.


        <dxi-column cellTemplate="btnTemplate"></dxi-column>
        <div *dxTemplate="let rowData of 'btnTemplate'">
                [dropDownOptions]="{ width: 150 }"
    export class MyComponent {
        btnItems = [
                id: 'action1',
                text: 'Actiontext 1',
                id: 'action2',
                text: 'Actiontext 2',
        onItemClick(event: { itemData: { id, text } }, data: unknown) {
            switch ( {
                case 'action1': alert('1'); break;
                case 'action2': alert('2');break;
    import { DxDropDownButtonModule } from 'devextreme-angular';
        imports: [
    export class MyModule {}