
Postgres how to insert reals with decimal comma?

My database is a postgres v14 database with en_US UTF-8 locale. I have to import many .csv files and they have usually a decimal point (3.14) for reals and sometimes a decimal comma (3,14). My question: is there a way to set postgres in such a way that the data are correctly read into postgres?

What I did: I know whether the data has a decimal point or comma. In pandas the solution is rather elegant by setting the locale, like:

# test for decimal point, set locale accordingly
decimaal_teken = meta_data.iloc[0].loc['bronbestand_decimaal']
if decimaal_teken == '.':
    logger.warning(f'Floating point met decimale punt')
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'en_EN.utf8')

elif decimaal_teken == ',':
    logger.warning(f'Floating point met decimale komma')
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'en_DK.utf8')

    logger.warning(f'Onbekend decimaal teken: "{decimaal_teken}", decimale punt wordt gebruikt')
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'en_EN.utf8')

I am looking for a similar solution in postgres but I cannot find it. I have a test file that looks like:

SET lc_numeric = 'en_DK';

INSERT INTO public.floats (naam, value)
('Drente', '112,5');

I import the file in psql either by -f or \i . In both cases there is an error that 112,5 is not a valid real. 112.5 is accepted.

The DECIMALCOMMASEPARATOR I found in this article yields an error when importing the file in psql. I have set the linux locale to en_DK as well but no success.

I can replace the comma by a dot but I want to leave the data untouched. I cannot imagine that postgres has no solution for this. Can somebody help by pointing me to some information I overlooked?

Thank you in advance!


  • Number literals always have to use a decimal point, no matter how lc_numeric is set. This parameter only influences how the format letter D (among others) is interpreted by to_numeric():

    SELECT to_number('112,5', '990D99');
    (1 row)

    You can use that with INSERT, but you won't be able to use it with COPY.