I did Dunnett's test and Steels test using R, but I cannot know how to calculate the effect size. Could you show me how to calculate the effect sizes for Dunnett's test and Steels test.
## https://zenn.dev/masahiro_kondo/articles/7a0250c97e41f6
#data generation
n <- 200
th1 <-
data.frame(ID = c(1:n)) %>%
mutate(Group = case_when(
ID <= n/4 ~ "A",
ID <= 2*n/4 +10 ~ "B",
ID <= 3*n/4 -10 ~ "C",
ID <= n ~ "D"))
th1$Group <- as.factor(th1$Group)
y <- c(
round(rnorm(n=50, mean=0, sd=1),2),
round(rnorm(n=50, mean=0.2, sd=1),2),
round(rnorm(n=50, mean=0.4, sd=1),2),
round(rnorm(n=50, mean=-0.2, sd=1),2)
th2 <- cbind(th1, y)
###Dunnett test
###Steel test
Steel <-nparcomp(y ~ Group, data=th2, asy.method = "mult.t",
type = "Dunnett", control = "A",alternative = "two.sided",info = FALSE)
In order to calculate the effect size, you can use Cohen's d. To do this in R you can use multiple packages, including lsr
and effsize
So using package effsize
and your data (th2
) we first need to extract groups in order to calculate the effect site.
# Extract groups
groupA <- th2$y[th2$Group == "A"]
groupB <- th2$y[th2$Group == "B"]
groupC <- th2$y[th2$Group == "C"]
groupD <- th2$y[th2$Group == "D"]
# Calculating Cohen's d for A vs B
d.AB <- cohen.d(groupA, groupB)
# A vs C
d.AC <- cohen.d(groupA, groupC)
# A vs D
d.AD <- cohen.d(groupA, groupD)
And the output for AB
> d.AB
Cohen's d
d estimate: -0.8367544 (large)
95 percent confidence interval:
lower upper
-1.2324411 -0.4410677
This might also help: https://www.statology.org/cohens-d-in-r/
But for the Steels test, you could try Rank-Biserial Correlation as an effect size (below is example for group A and B)
# Mann-Whitney U test for group A and B
MWU <- wilcox.test(groupA, groupB)
# Extract U statistic and sample sizes
U <- MWU$statistic
n.A <- length(groupA)
n.B <- length(groupB)
# Calculate rank-biserial correlation
rank.b = 1 - (2 * U) / (n.A * n.B)
See also here: https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_is_the_most_appropriate_effect_size_type_for_mann_whitney_u_analysis