
Use Azure Key Vault secret in Header section of Web Activity

I've been provided with API Endpoint URL and api key. Naturally, I don't want to store the original key in production pipeline, therefore I've asked to store it into secret in KeyVault. They have done that and I got my KV - lets name this secret API-KEY-sec. I am POSTing the data, and in headers I want to pass two parameters - Content-Type - application/json and Authorization - API-KEY-sec value but I struggle to manage to pass it. Tried to set https://[KeyVaultName][SecretName]' as variable and give it as dynamic content to header Authorization parameter but it didnt work out. Any tips how to do that?


  • To Use Azure Key Vault secrets in pipeline activities you need to use web activity to fetch the secret and then use it in your required activity:

    To achieve that to need to first allow the ADF to read secret from key vault.

    URL:        [Your secret URI value]?api-version=7.0 
    Method:     GET
    Authentication: System Assigned Managed Identity

    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    Now, use this secret value as @activity('Web1').output.value in further activities