Microsoft Identity - how to check access token validity and prevent MsalUiRequiredException

I have a Blazor Server app that calls downstream api (Sharepoint Online API) on behalf of logged in user.

However, users are sometimes getting MsalUiRequiredException. I understand that's because the token became invalid.


ClientContext SharepointClientFactory()
   var clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl);

   clientContext.ExecutingWebRequest += (sender, e) =>
           string accessToken = _tokenAcquisition
                           .GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(scopes: effectiveScopes, authenticationScheme: OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)

           e.WebRequestExecutor.RequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {accessToken}");
       catch (MicrosoftIdentityWebChallengeUserException ex)
           //_consentHandler.HandleException(ex); I want prevent this from happening in advance

Simple page refresh does not help here, because the authentication cookie is still valid.

  1. How do I check the access token validity before the app is shown to the user? (e.g. when user visits _host.cshtml which hosts the blazor app)?

  2. Is there any other way to prevent access token expiration during user session?


  • you can use this to check access token validity

    public async Task<bool> IsAccessTokenValid()
            string accessToken = await _tokenAcquisition.GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(scopes: effectiveScopes, authenticationScheme: OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
            return true;
        catch (MicrosoftIdentityWebChallengeUserException ex)
            // Access token is invalid
            return false;