Hello I try to get this output to a reg key but it only writes the first "$Monitor.ManufacturerName" value if I change the Reg_ADD to Multiline_SZ it would work but it has to be a one line Reg_SZ
I also tried to trim spaces from the decoded values but I also can't get it to work. echo gives the right result and I don't understand why
function Decode {
If ($args[0] -is [System.Array]) {
Else {
"Not Found"
ForEach ($Monitor in Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi) {
$Manufacturer = Decode $Monitor.ManufacturerName -ne 0
$Name = Decode $Monitor.UserFriendlyName -ne 0
$Serial = Decode $Monitor.SerialNumberID -ne 0
$arr+= "$Manufacturer,$Name, $Serial"
[String]$Reg= $arr -replace ("`n","")
echo $Reg
REG ADD <Path to Registry> /v <Name> /t REG_SZ /d $Reg /f
Tried Variables out-string Trim(), replace and so on I assume that the lenght of the strings is the encoded value
It would be nice to have $Manufacturer, $Name, $Serial in one line for each Monitor separated by | example: Display1, Display1,000000000 | Display2, Display2,1111111111 |
Create your $arr
array as string array of comma delimited values which I think is easiest by using the -f
Format operator.
Also it is best not use +=
to add items to an array as it is very memory and time consuming.
$arr = foreach ($Monitor in Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi) {
$Manufacturer = Decode ($Monitor.ManufacturerName -ne 0)
$Name = Decode ($Monitor.UserFriendlyName -ne 0)
$Serial = Decode ($Monitor.SerialNumberID -ne 0)
# output the formatted (comma delimited) string per monitor
'{0},{1},{2}' -f $Manufacturer, $Name, $Serial
Now combine the elements in the array using the -join
$reg = $arr -join ' | '