
cpp inheritance (access parent data member value by child)

Is there a way to access data member values of the Parent by Child? Below example:

.h file:

#ifndef PRAC_H
#define PRAC_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class ToolFrame {
        string  mManuID;
        void    setManuID(string manu_id) { mManuID = manu_id; }
        string  getManuID() { return mManuID; }

class Hammer : public ToolFrame {
    int     mDurability;
        void    setDurability(int durability) { mDurability = durability; }
        int     getDurability() { return mDurability; }

.cpp file:

#include "prac.h" 

int main() {
    ToolFrame xz00;
    Hammer bonker100;

    cout << bonker100.getDurability() << endl;
    cout << bonker100.getManuID() << endl;

    return 0;

output: 50

output should be: 50 00a1d

issue: I understood "cout << bonker100.getManuID() << endl;" should access Parent's data member value (mManuID), as the member is not set to private. However, output is not the set value "00a1d".

question: cant children access parent's public value in this manner?

Tried different access specifiers, by moving Parent's data members from private to public. Set link between child and parent to public.


  • Child classes inherit properties and members, not values. Hammer instance bonker100 has inherited member mManuID and public (also protected, but there are none in this case) methods of a ToolFrame, but it has its member default-constructed. ToolFrame and Hammer objects are not the same - they are different pieces of data and don't share their values.