
Simpy - service time dependent on length of queue and resources availability

I want to modify this code to solve the following problem: Lets say we have two nurses. If both nurses are free then a patient can use both nurses and the treatment time is cut in half. A patient can use both nurses only if there aren't any patients waiting in the queue. If there are two (or more) patients in queue then we take 2 patients off the queue and assign them to each nurse.

import simpy
import numpy as np


# Define arrival and service time distributions
def draw_arrival_time():
    # Use an exponential distribution for arrival times 
    return np.random.exponential(2.0)

def draw_service_time():
    # Use a normal distribution for service times 
    return np.random.normal(5.0, 1.0)

# Arrivals generator function
def patient_generator(env, nurse):
    patient_id = 1

    while True:
        # Create an instance of activity generator
        patient = treatment_activity(env, nurse, patient_id)

        # Run the activity generator for this patient

        # Sample time until next arrival
        next_arrival = draw_arrival_time()

        # Freeze until that time has passed
        yield env.timeout(next_arrival)
        patient_id += 1

def treatment_activity(env, nurse, patient_id):
    # Patient arrival
    time_entered_queue =
    print("Patient", patient_id, "arrived at", time_entered_queue)

    # Request the nurse
    with nurse.request() as req:
        yield req

        # Calculate the time patient left the queue
        time_left_queue =
        print("Patient", patient_id, "started treatment at", time_left_queue)

        # Calculate the waiting time for this patient
        waiting_time = time_left_queue - time_entered_queue

        # Append the waiting time to the waiting_times list

        # Sample treatment time
        treatment _time = draw_service_time()

        yield env.timeout(treatment_time)

# Set up simulation environment
env = simpy.Environment()

# Set up resources
nurse = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1)

# Set up parameter values
waiting_times = []

# Start patient arrivals generator
env.process(patient_generator(env, nurse))

# Run the simulation

# Calculate and print statistics
average_waiting_time = np.mean(waiting_times)
print("Average Waiting Time:", average_waiting_time)

I tried using a resource with capacity 2 nurse = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=2) but this didn't work. Then using two nurses with capacity 1 each, but I couldn't keep track of the queue and didn't how to check if both are free.


  • Here is a quick example of a patient grabbing one or two nurses and setting the treatment time base on the nurse resource request queue size and the number of available nurses.

    Simple simulation of nusrses treating a patient.
    If there is only one patient and both nureses are available,
    both nurses will treat the patient
    with a half the treatment time.
    If there is more then one patatient each nurse will take one patient
    Programmer: Michael R. Gibbs
    import simpy
    class Patient():
        Patient that needs a nurse,
        has a id for tracking
        last_id = 0
        def __init__(self):
            self.__class__.last_id += +1
   = self.__class__.last_id
    def treat_patient(env, patient, nurse_resource):
        Main process where a patient:
        waits for a nurse (maybe 2)
        gets treated
        release the nurses
        treat_time = 6
        # wait for nurse
        n_req =nurse_resource.request() 
        yield n_req
        # list of nurses to be released later
        n_reqs = [n_req]
        # chech if patient queue is empty
        if len(nurse_resource.queue ) == 0:
            #check if second nurse is available
            if nurse_resource.capacity - nurse_resource.count >= 1:
                # get second nurse and cut treatment time
                n_req_2 = nurse_resource.request()
                yield n_req_2
                treat_time = treat_time / 2
        # start treatment (note no yield here, just drop and go)
        print(f'{}: patient {} is being treated by {len(n_reqs)} nurses')
        yield env.timeout(treat_time)
        # release all the nurses, could be 1 or 2
        for req in n_reqs:
        print(f'{}: patient {} treatment is finished by {len(n_reqs)} nurses')
    def gen_patients(env, nurse_resource):
        yield env.timeout(1)
        patient = Patient()
        env.process(treat_patient(env, patient, nurse_resource))
        print(f'{}: patient {} has arrived')
        yield env.timeout(1)
        patient = Patient()
        env.process(treat_patient(env, patient, nurse_resource))
        print(f'{}: patient {} has arrived')
        yield env.timeout(1)
        patient = Patient()
        env.process(treat_patient(env, patient, nurse_resource))
        print(f'{}: patient {} has arrived')
        yield env.timeout(30)
        patient = Patient()
        env.process(treat_patient(env, patient, nurse_resource))
        print(f'{}: patient {} has arrived')
        yield env.timeout(1)
        patient = Patient()
        env.process(treat_patient(env, patient, nurse_resource))
        print(f'{}: patient {} has arrived')
    env = simpy.Environment()
    nurse_resource = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=2)
    env.process(gen_patients(env, nurse_resource))