
FutureWarning: DataFrame.groupby with axis=1 is deprecated. Do `frame.T.groupby(...)` without axis instead

I have been using these two lines to get stock data:

df =, group_by="ticker")
d = {idx: gp.xs(idx, level=0, axis=1) for idx, gp in df.groupby(level=0, axis=1)}


While it works fine, I can't figure out how to avoid getting the warning in the title.

How should this code be rewritten with df.T.groupby without the axis=1 without causing an error?


  • Edit: In fact, you don't need groupby:

    d = {ticker: df[ticker] for ticker in df.columns.levels[0]}

    There is a discussion about groupby(axis=1) on github.

    Another solution is to stack the ticker level:

    d = {idx: gp.xs(idx, level=1) for idx, gp in df.stack(level=0).groupby(level=1)}


    >>> d
    {'AAPL':                   Open        High         Low       Close   Adj Close       Volume
     1980-12-12    0.128348    0.128906    0.128348    0.128348    0.099449  469033600.0
     1980-12-15    0.122210    0.122210    0.121652    0.121652    0.094261  175884800.0
     1980-12-16    0.113281    0.113281    0.112723    0.112723    0.087343  105728000.0
     1980-12-17    0.115513    0.116071    0.115513    0.115513    0.089504   86441600.0
     1980-12-18    0.118862    0.119420    0.118862    0.118862    0.092099   73449600.0
     ...                ...         ...         ...         ...         ...          ...
     2023-10-02  171.220001  174.300003  170.929993  173.750000  173.750000   52164500.0
     2023-10-03  172.259995  173.630005  170.820007  172.399994  172.399994   49594600.0
     2023-10-04  171.089996  174.210007  170.970001  173.660004  173.660004   53020300.0
     2023-10-05  173.789993  175.449997  172.679993  174.910004  174.910004   48527900.0
     2023-10-06  173.800003  177.990005  173.179993  177.490005  177.490005   57224100.0
     [10795 rows x 6 columns],
     'MSFT':                   Open        High         Low       Close   Adj Close        Volume
     1986-03-13    0.088542    0.101563    0.088542    0.097222    0.060396  1.031789e+09
     1986-03-14    0.097222    0.102431    0.097222    0.100694    0.062553  3.081600e+08
     1986-03-17    0.100694    0.103299    0.100694    0.102431    0.063632  1.331712e+08
     1986-03-18    0.102431    0.103299    0.098958    0.099826    0.062014  6.776640e+07
     1986-03-19    0.099826    0.100694    0.097222    0.098090    0.060936  4.789440e+07
     ...                ...         ...         ...         ...         ...           ...
     2023-10-02  316.279999  321.890015  315.179993  321.799988  321.799988  2.057000e+07
     2023-10-03  320.829987  321.390015  311.209991  313.390015  313.390015  2.103350e+07
     2023-10-04  314.029999  320.040009  314.000000  318.959991  318.959991  2.072010e+07
     2023-10-05  319.089996  319.980011  314.899994  319.359985  319.359985  1.696560e+07
     2023-10-06  316.549988  329.190002  316.299988  327.260010  327.260010  2.564550e+07
     [9469 rows x 6 columns]}