
Source Not Avaliable when switching to other thread

I am writing on C++ with winapi, winrt, and wil in Visual Studio 2022.

I am using Winapi multithreading tools, ::CreateThread particularly.

When I debug or build my program, everything is fine.

When I was debugging programs and switching to other threads, created by me, I was getting an error:

ntdll.pdb not loaded

I saw an option to locate manually, which I clicked, but now it says:

Source Not Avaliable
Source information is missing from the debug information for this module

Before and after location, when switching to other thread I was also having this message:

The application is in break mode
Your app has entered a break state, but there is no code to show because all threads were executing external code (typically system or framework code).

The only option left on screen is View Dissasembly, which shows me some dissasembly code instead of source code.


  • The problem was in threads, which processed some system dll first, and then my code. I was switching to them too early