If input date in Excel doesn't use format, ex input string, I got the error
floor(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type int|float, string given`
If using date format, it works fine, but when input doesn't use format date, I get the error.
How to handle this?
Here is my code
public function collection(Collection $rows)
foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
$izin = Izin::where('nama_izin', $row['id_izins'])->where('id_users', Auth::id())->pluck('id')->first();
$customMessages = [
$izin => 'Perhatikan ' . '"' . $row['id_izins'] . '"' . ' Pada baris ' . $key + 2 . ' tidak terdaftar',
Validator::make($rows->toArray(), [
$izin => 'required',
], $customMessages)->validate();
'nama_perusahaan' => $row['nama_perusahaan'],
'alamat_perusahaan' => $row['alamat_perusahaan'],
'tanggal_masuk' => Date::excelToDateTimeObject($row['tanggal_masuk']),
'tanggal_izin' => Date::excelToDateTimeObject($row['tanggal_izin']),
'nomor_izin' => $row['nomor_izin'],
'id_izins' => $izin,
'id_users' => Auth::id(),
public function rules(): array
return [
'nama_perusahaan' => 'required',
'nomor_izin' => 'required',
How to handle using condition or any solution to this?
When date input is empty you can check for empty date , maybe it would help,
'tanggal_masuk' => is_numeric($row['tanggal_masuk']) ? Date::excelToDateTimeObject($row['tanggal_masuk']) : null;