I'm facing some serious spam from some legacy components while running yarn test
but I can't find a way to resolve the source so is there a way to suppress it similar to jest? This stack post shows how to do it in jest but there seems to be no function like that in vitest.
[Vue warn]: injection "feathersClient" not found.
at <PriceCard key=0 price= {
created: '2011-01-19T15:42:32.000+0100',
updated: '2010-11-03T15:38:20.000+0100',
id: 2720710,
owner: { context: 1, user: 'root' },
updater: { context: 1, user: 'root' },
amount: 8.35,
type: 'GROSS',
currency: 'USD',
period: { unit: 'MONTH', period: 12 },
priceConditions: [ { configuration: [Object], condition: [Object] } ],
priority: 'DEFAULT',
amountEur: 7.904953,
amountUsd: 8.35,
amountMinSalesEur: 8.300201,
amountMinSalesUsd: 8.7675,
product: {
article: { type: 'domain', category: [Object], label: 'com' },
id: 721,
businessCase: 'renew'
} onUpdate:price=fn<onUpdate:price> ... >
at <SwimlanePrices>
at <DynamicScrollerItem item= {
id: 'purchasePrices',
priceRow: {
nocondition: {
create: [],
createFee: [],
renew: [],
transfer: [],
transferFee: [],
restore: [],
ownerchange: [],
update: []
'W3siY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiI6eyJmcm9tIjoiMjAxMi0wMS0xNVQwMDowMDowMC4wMDArMDEwMCJ9LCJjb25kaXRpb24iOnsibGFiZWwiOiJWQUxJRElUWSJ9fV0=': {
create: [],
createFee: [],
renew: [Array],
transfer: [],
transferFee: [],
restore: [],
ownerchange: [],
update: []
'W3siY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiI6eyJmcm9tIjoiMjAwNy0wNi0xM1QwMDowMDowMC4wMDArMDIwMCJ9LCJjb25kaXRpb24iOnsibGFiZWwiOiJWQUxJRElUWSJ9fV0=': {
create: [],
createFee: [],
renew: [],
transfer: [],
transferFee: [],
restore: [Array],
ownerchange: [],
update: []
'W3siY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiI6eyJmcm9tIjoiMjAwNy0wMS0xNlQwMDowMDowMC4wMDArMDEwMCJ9LCJjb25kaXRpb24iOnsibGFiZWwiOiJWQUxJRElUWSJ9fV0=': {
create: [],
createFee: [],
renew: [],
transfer: [Array],
transferFee: [],
restore: [],
ownerchange: [],
update: []
'W3siY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiI6eyJmcm9tIjoiMjAwNy0wMS0xNVQwMDowMDowMC4wMDArMDEwMCJ9LCJjb25kaXRpb24iOnsibGFiZWwiOiJWQUxJRElUWSJ9fV0=': {
create: [Array],
createFee: [],
renew: [],
transfer: [],
transferFee: [],
restore: [],
ownerchange: [Array],
update: []
} active=true size-dependencies= [...
You could do the same thing in vitest config :
export default defineConfig({
test: {
// ...
silent : true
or directly in CLI :
"test:unit" : "vitest --silent"