I'm working on an android app and using Room db to store and get data, I need to get some data from multible tables where one of result columns must contain a list of a kv list the same requirment were achived on a php server with mysql by the following query
t1.* ,
IFNULL(stu.id, '-1'),
IFNULL(stu.color, -1)
IFNULL(CASE t5.toOrder WHEN 1 THEN 5 WHEN 0 THEN 6 ELSE -1 END, '-1'),
IFNULL((SELECT color FROM `Table4` WHERE id = CASE t5.toOrder WHEN 1 THEN 5 WHEN 0 THEN 6 ELSE -1 END), -1)
AS status
FROM ((((Table1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN `Table2` AS t2 ON t2.itemId = t1.id)
LEFT JOIN `Table3` AS t3 ON t3.id = t2.orderId)
LEFT JOIN `Table4` AS stu ON t3.statusId = stu.id)
LEFT JOIN `Table5` AS t5 ON t1.id = t5.itemId)
GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.`name`
which works just fine and I'm able to get that column as json like this
{ "1":-2659, "5":-749647, "-1":-1 }
now I'm trying to implement the same query whit Room db sqlite but with no luck
this is what I've tried (works fine on a desktop database browser but not with Room db)
CAST(IFNULL(t4.id, '-1') as TEXT),
IFNULL(t4.color, -1)
CAST(IFNULL(CASE t5.toOrder WHEN 1 THEN 5 WHEN 0 THEN 6 ELSE -1 END, '-1') as TEXT),
IFNULL((SELECT color FROM `Status` WHERE id = CASE t5.toOrder WHEN 1 THEN 5 WHEN 0 THEN 6 ELSE -1 END), -1)
AS status
FROM Tble1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN `Table2` AS t2 ON t2.itemId = t1.id
LEFT JOIN `Table3` AS t3 ON t3.id = t2.orderId
LEFT JOIN `Table4` AS t4 ON t3.statusId = t4.id
LEFT JOIN `Table5` AS t5 ON t1.id = t5.itemId
GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.`name`
I know about the json1 extention but even after using the requery library still get the status field as empty can anyone help please
Actually, it was an undeclared error, Room was ignoring the "status" field because I was using the @Ignore annotation on it. so, changing this
@Ignore var status: String
to this
@ColumnInfo(name = "status") var status: String
solved the issue and I'm able to use the json1 extension and functions with Room and requery library
note that I only added the implementation to gradle
implementation 'io.requery:sqlite-android:3.31.0'
and the open helper to the Room database biulder
and not using anything else from the requery library.