
why http is not working on 80 port for lightpd?

I am facing an issue with lighttpd 1.4.69 version with yocto dunfell. We are getting the port 80 in listen mode and PID is lighttpd only.

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1325/lighttpd

When i try to search the IP of device it's not loading any HTML page. Any idea why such thing is happening?

I am expecting the communication should happened over HTTP protocall using lighttpd, so i can open HTML pages which are availale in the device/board.


  • Try changing the http port in the lighttpd.conf file, and run the lighttpd service.


        server.port = 8080
        pkill -9 lighttpd
        lighttpd -m /usr/lib -f /etc/lighttpd.conf