It's simple. When I type something in the editor, whatever I type is getting reversed because the cursor keeps resetting to the beginning of the line.
Say I type in this, it shows up like this:
:siht ekil pu swohs ti ,siht epyt yaS
and when I press enter, that becomes this:
siht semoceb taht ,retne sserp I nehw dna
:siht ekil pu swohs ti ,siht epyt yaS
Here's the code for my client side:
const editor = ace.edit("editor");
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const socket = io();
const codingSpace = document.getElementById("codingSpace");
const roomName = window.location.pathname.slice(1);
let editorChangeInProgress = false;
socket.emit("joinRoom", roomName);
// Initialize ACE Editor
const editor = ace.edit("editor");
const codeRef = ref(db, "code");
const fetchAndDisplayInitialData = async () => {
try {
const dataSnapshot = await get(child(codeRef, roomName));
if (dataSnapshot.exists()) {
const initialCode = dataSnapshot.val();
codingSpace.value = initialCode;
editor.setValue(initialCode, -1);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching initial data:", error);
const updateCode = (newCode) => {
editorChangeInProgress = true;
codingSpace.value = newCode;
editor.setValue(newCode, -1);
editorChangeInProgress = false;
ace.edit("editor").moveCursorTo(-1, -1);
const onEditorChange = (event) => {
if (!editorChangeInProgress) {
const newCode = editor.getValue();
socket.emit("codeChange", { roomName, newCode });
update(codeRef, { [roomName]: newCode });
editor.getSession().on("change", onEditorChange);
socket.on("codeChange", (newCode) => {
if (!editorChangeInProgress) {
codingSpace.addEventListener("input", () => {
const newCode = codingSpace.value;
socket.emit("codeChange", { roomName, newCode });
update(codeRef, { [roomName]: newCode });
I've been trying to fix this from half an hour :(
resets selection (and thus caret position) by default, so you'll need to account for that:
var code = editor.getValue();
var selection = editor.selection.toJSON();
editor.setValue(code + "\nYeah");
May also have to save-restore session.getScrollLeft()
/ session.getScrollTop()
and folds (session.getAllFolds()
And for collaborative programming you'll probably want to work with deltas (editor.commands.on("afterExec", handler)
) rather than just syncing the editor contents - perhaps have a look around to see how other people usually do this?