Currently the current temp, high and low are all the same value. I've hit a roadblock with Chatai and Bard. The code for the three are all the same and I'm not sure what the proper values are for weather_info. No the long/lat aren't mine.
current_temp = weather_info["temperature"]
high_temp = weather_info["temperature"]
low_temp = weather_info["temperature"]
import requests
from datetime import datetime
import http.client
import urllib
from astral import LocationInfo
from astral.sun import sun
import math
# Feels like code come from this Github gist:
# code came from Chatai
# Pushover code is a mixture of Chatai, and example code from
# Sunrise sunset code from examples and Chatai
# User editable variables
# Replace with your Pushover API token and user key
api_token = "supersecretapitoken"
user_key = "supersekretuserkey"
# Example GPS coordinates (replace with actual coordinates)
latitude = 34.41089
longitude = -92.22582
# end user editable variables
# Function to calculate "feels like" temperature
def calculate_feels_like_temperature(temperature, wind_speed, relative_humidity):
if temperature <= 50 and wind_speed >= 3:
feels_like = 35.74 + (0.6215 * temperature) - 35.75 * (wind_speed ** 0.16) + \
((0.4275 * temperature) * (wind_speed ** 0.16))
feels_like = temperature
if feels_like == temperature and temperature >= 80:
feels_like = 0.5 * (temperature + 61.0 + ((temperature - 68.0) * 1.2) + (relative_humidity * 0.094))
if feels_like >= 80:
feels_like = -42.379 + 2.04901523 * temperature + 10.14333127 * relative_humidity - \
0.22475541 * temperature * relative_humidity - 0.00683783 * temperature ** 2 - \
0.05481717 * relative_humidity ** 2 + 0.00122874 * temperature ** 2 * relative_humidity + \
0.00085282 * temperature * relative_humidity ** 2 - 0.00000199 * temperature ** 2 * \
relative_humidity ** 2
if relative_humidity < 13 and temperature >= 80 and temperature <= 112:
feels_like -= ((13 - relative_humidity) / 4) * math.sqrt((17 - math.fabs(temperature - 95.)) / 17)
if relative_humidity > 85 and temperature >= 80 and temperature <= 87:
feels_like += ((relative_humidity - 85) / 10) * ((87 - temperature) / 5)
return math.ceil(feels_like)
# Function to get weather information
def get_weather_info(latitude, longitude):
base_url = f"{latitude},{longitude}"
response = requests.get(base_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
forecast_url = data["properties"]["forecast"]
forecast_response = requests.get(forecast_url)
if forecast_response.status_code == 200:
forecast_data = forecast_response.json()
return forecast_data["properties"]["periods"][0]
return None
return None
# Create a LocationInfo instance for Hot Springs, AR
city = LocationInfo('Little Rock', 'AR', 'America/Chicago', latitude, longitude)
# Get the sunset and sunrise times for today
s = sun(,, tzinfo=city.timezone)
sunset = s['sunset'].strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p")
sunrise = s['sunrise'].strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p")
# Get the current date
today =
# Format the sunrise time for the title
sunrise_title = sunrise.split()[1] + " " + sunrise.split()[2]
# Construct the title
title = f"Today's sunrise - {today.strftime('%B')} {} {today.year} at {sunrise_title}"
# Get weather information
weather_info = get_weather_info(latitude, longitude)
if weather_info:
current_conditions = weather_info["shortForecast"]
current_temp = weather_info["temperature"]
humidity_value = weather_info["relativeHumidity"]["value"]
wind_speed = weather_info["windSpeed"]
high_temp = weather_info["temperature"]
low_temp = weather_info["temperature"]
# Calculate "feels like" temperature
feels_like_temp = calculate_feels_like_temperature(current_temp, wind_speed, humidity_value)
# Construct the message with correct high and low temperatures
message = f"Current Conditions: {current_conditions}\n" \
f"Current Temp: {current_temp}\n" \
f"Feels Like: {feels_like_temp}\n" \
f"High: {high_temp}\n" \
f"Low: {low_temp}\n" \
f"Wind: {wind_speed}\n" \
f"Wind Direction: {weather_info['windDirection']}\n" \
f"Humidity: {humidity_value}{'%' if weather_info['relativeHumidity']['unitCode'] == 'wmoUnit:percent' else ''}\n" \
f"Sunrise: {today.strftime('%B')} {}, {today.year} at {sunrise.split()[1]} {sunrise.split()[2]}\n" \
f"Sunset: {today.strftime('%B')} {}, {today.year} at {sunset.split()[1]} {sunset.split()[2]}"
# Pushover API endpoint
pushover_url = "/1/messages.json"
# Establish HTTPS connection to Pushover
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("", 443)
# Send the message to Pushover
conn.request("POST", pushover_url,
"token": api_token,
"user": user_key,
"title": title,
"message": message
}), {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
print("Message successfully sent to Pushover.")
print("Failed to fetch weather information.")
To get the correct temperatures for low and high for the date.
MORE info 1: I'm trying to recreate the pushover notification I get fron IFTTT.
Today's sunrise - October 11 2023 at 07:14 AM
Current Conditions: Mostly Sunny
Current Temp: 80
Feels Like: 87
High: 80
Low: 42
Wind: 5 to 10 mph
Wind Direction: S
Humidity: 93%
Sunrise: October 11, 2023 at 07:14 AM
Sunset: October 11, 2023 at 06:42 PM
I didn't write any of this code so I don't know how to make changes even with examples.
I'm not sure if I understand your problem but there is not high and low temperature for current period (["periods"][0]
You can only get all periods (["periods"]
instead of ["periods"][0]
all_periods = forecast_data["properties"]["periods"]
and use for
-loop to get all temperatures from all periods
all_temperatures = [x["temperature"] for x in all_periods]
and use min()
and max()
to get high and low value in all temperatures.
Full working example:
import requests
latitude = 34.41089
longitude = -92.22582
base_url = f"{latitude},{longitude}"
response = requests.get(base_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
forecast_url = data["properties"]["forecast"]
forecast_response = requests.get(forecast_url)
if forecast_response.status_code == 200:
forecast_data = forecast_response.json()
all_periods = forecast_data["properties"]["periods"]
all_temperatures = [x["temperature"] for x in all_periods]
print('current:', all_temperatures[0])
print(' min:', min(all_temperatures))
print(' max:', max(all_temperatures))
current: 81
min: 42
max: 83
If you need more information about period with high and low temperature (ie. you need startTime
and endTime
) then you could use all_periods
directly with min(... key=...)
max(... key=...)
min_period = min(all_periods, key=lambda x:x["temperature"])
max_period = max(all_periods, key=lambda x:x["temperature"])
and later you can display more information
print(' min:', min_period["temperature"], '| start:', min_period["startTime"], '| end:', min_period["endTime"])
print(' max:', max_period["temperature"], '| start:', max_period["startTime"], '| end:', max_period["endTime"])
Full working code:
import requests
latitude = 34.41089
longitude = -92.22582
base_url = f"{latitude},{longitude}"
response = requests.get(base_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
forecast_url = data["properties"]["forecast"]
forecast_response = requests.get(forecast_url)
if forecast_response.status_code == 200:
forecast_data = forecast_response.json()
all_periods = forecast_data["properties"]["periods"]
cur_period = all_periods[0]
min_period = min(all_periods, key=lambda x:x["temperature"])
max_period = max(all_periods, key=lambda x:x["temperature"])
print('current:', cur_period["temperature"], '| start:', cur_period["startTime"], '| end:', cur_period["endTime"])
print(' min:', min_period["temperature"], '| start:', min_period["startTime"], '| end:', min_period["endTime"])
print(' max:', max_period["temperature"], '| start:', max_period["startTime"], '| end:', max_period["endTime"])
current: 81 | start: 2023-10-10T16:00:00-05:00 | end: 2023-10-10T18:00:00-05:00
min: 42 | start: 2023-10-16T18:00:00-05:00 | end: 2023-10-17T06:00:00-05:00
max: 83 | start: 2023-10-13T06:00:00-05:00 | end: 2023-10-13T18:00:00-05:00