
Visual Studio Code with Pylance cannot resolve imports while using hatch

When I created my project using hatch new name imports were resolved correctly. Now that I opened it again I get yellow squigly line under each import with error in tooltip:

from django.conf import settings # -> Import "django.conf" could not be resolved from source Pylance(reportMissingModuleSource)

I understand this error happens when vscode finds wrong python executable (usually global one instead of venv one). So when not using hatch I could resolve it by creating .vscode/settings.json file with content like:

  "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "path/to/venv"

However in this project I am using hatch build tool, which manages environments itself (at least I cannot find them in project directory). How do I point vscode to correct python interpreter in this case?


I tried changing venv location by adding dirs.env to my pyproject.toml:

virtual = ".hatch"

Then I deleted existing default environment using hatch env prune and creating it again using hatch env create. However hatch env find default still shows old location and .hatch was not created:

$ hatch env find default

Adding new environment to pyproject.toml and creating it using hatch env create vsc also creates it in AppData instead of in .hatch:

In pyproject.toml:



$ hatch env create vsc
$ hatch env find vsc


  • For me, using the below solved it:

    path = ".hatch"

    instead of

    virtual = ".hatch"

    I think [tool.hatch.envs.default] has a higher priority than [dirs.env].