I tried to create a new typescript React app using the command:
npx create-react-app config-app --template typescript
Then, under the src directory I created some folders/files so that it looked like the following:
Both the maybe.ts and nullish.ts files contain an export type operation.
In the nullish.ts app it has the following import:
import type { Maybe, Nullish } from 'types'
I am getting the error Cannot find module 'types' or its corresponding type declarations. So it seems absolute paths are not working. I have followed the suggestions on this site to add the "baseUrl": "src" and "include": [ "src" ] into the tsconfig.json file. I have an older react typescript app for which this was working but it doesn't with this latest template.
You should add a index file next to nullish.ts
and maybe.ts
and export the types of these files in the index file as follows:
-config-app -src -types -maybe.ts -nullish.ts -index.ts -utils -nullish.ts
index.ts content:
export * from './maybe'
export * from './nullish'
at last you can import types without error as follows:
import type {Maybe, Nullish} from 'types'