Ive installed AdminLTE V3 using docker + Laravel from Laravel-AdminLTE. I change some of the sidebar menu column such as URL and text. However, it is not updated.
I use docker compose. That is why I do docker-compose down
& docker-compose up
Also docker-compose build --no-cache
'menu' => [
// Navbar items:
'type' => 'fullscreen-widget',
'topnav_right' => true,
'text' => 'blog',
'url' => 'admin/blog',
'can' => 'manage-blog',
'text' => 'pages',
'url' => 'admin/pages',
'icon' => 'far fa-fw fa-file',
'label' => 3,
'label_color' => 'success',
['header' => 'account_settings'],
'text' => 'profile',
'url' => 'profile', // Change from default
'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-user',
I copy a file from src/vendor/jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte/config/adminlte.php
to src/config/adminlte.php
Also I edit it and work.