I'm trying to create a ScrollArea
that will have bounds that start at a certain (x, y)
screen coordinates and end at a (z, w)
screen coordinates. In other words, I want to create an arbitrary <div>
(in html terms) that has fixed width and height and is placed in an arbitrary spot on the screen.
What I have right now is this:
It appears the text is outside of where the container is, but it seems to have the correct bounds.
Here is what I want the result to look like:
Here's the code I have tried at the moment:
let rect = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(80.0, 80.0), pos2(280.0, 280.0));
let frame = egui::Frame::none()
.fill(Color32::from_rgb(232, 12, 232))
.max_height(280.0 - 80.0)
.max_width(280.0 - 80.0)
.show(ui, |ui| {
ui.add(Label::new("long text".repeat(99)));
Full code:
use eframe::egui::{self, *};
fn main() {
let native_options = eframe::NativeOptions::default();
"Arbitrary Scroll",
Box::new(|_| Box::new(MyEguiApp)),
struct MyEguiApp;
impl eframe::App for MyEguiApp {
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) {
egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| {
let rect = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(80.0, 80.0), pos2(280.0, 280.0));
let frame = egui::Frame::none()
.fill(Color32::from_rgb(232, 12, 232))
.max_height(280.0 - 80.0)
.max_width(280.0 - 80.0)
.show(ui, |ui| {
ui.add(Label::new("long text".repeat(99)));
Any advice?
uses a sort of cursor to remember where to draw next, but painting does not advance that cursor or influence it in any way. You have to Ui::allocate_*
to advance the cursor to the correct position. Specifically you can use Ui::allocate_ui_at_rect
to allocate a specific rect of the remaining surface. And then just render to that.
impl eframe::App for MyEguiApp {
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) {
egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| {
let rect = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(80.0, 80.0), pos2(280.0, 280.0));
let frame = egui::Frame::none()
.fill(Color32::from_rgb(232, 12, 232))
ui.allocate_ui_at_rect(rect, |ui| {
.max_height(280.0 - 80.0)
.max_width(280.0 - 80.0)
.show(ui, |ui| {
ui.add(Label::new("long text".repeat(99)));