
CAS - how print the value present in json service in the webview login page?

I can read a value present in json service from thymeleaf and print it in the login webview ?

this is my json service:

  "@class" : "",
  "serviceId" : "http://furetto:8080/furetto-login",
  "name" : "furetto",
  "theme" : "furetto",
  "id" : 1000001,
  "description" : "I want print this description in the webview login",
  "attributeReleasePolicy": {
    "@class" : "",
    "principalAttributesRepository" : {
      "@class" :
      "attributeRepositoryIds": ["java.util.HashSet", [ "*" ]]

in my login page i want print the value of key "description" present in json service. It's possible? thanks everybody

nothing, i don't know any solution.


  • Example:

        <img th:if="${registeredService.logo}" th:src="${registeredService.logo}"/>
            <h5><i class="mdi mdi-web"></i>[[${}]]</h5>
            <p th:text="${registeredService.description}">Registered Service Description</p>